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Nigel Henbest

Andrew Gordon
Film, TV and Stage Agent:
Nicky Lund

Nigel Henbest is a leading science populariser, specialising in astronomy and space. He trained at Leicester University and the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory, Cambridge, under the then Astronomer Royal, Sir Martin Ryle.

Subsequent appointments included Astronomy Consultant to New Scientist magazine, and Public Relations Consultant to the Royal Greenwich Observatory. He has also served as Chairman of Britain’s National Astronomy Week – which put the media spotlight on light pollution – and Editor of the Journal of the British Astronomical Association.

Much of his media work is now in television production and scriptwriting. His screen credits include the award-winning documentaries Body Atlas and the three recent highly acclaimed series Universe, Edge of the Universe and The Day the Earth was Born. With colleagues at Pioneer Productions, he has launched the high-profile science website

He is the author of nearly forty books, many co-written with Heather Couper, and over 1,000 articles and his work has been translated into 27 languages.

The Astronomy Bible